Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fragile Heart

My heart is held together
With safety pins and glue
Duct tape and stitches
Do all they can do
To keep it from bursting
Or tearing apart
But you already knew this
You knew about my fragile heart

Now I’ll tell you the story
The fine print that you didn’t read
My heart was in tact once,
Long before it learned how to bleed
It beat with conviction
When it wasn’t shy about being alive
Before I was this contradiction
Killing myself while trying to survive

It had given up on pumping
And forgotten what it felt like to love
In the middle of this endless sea
There was no olive branch or dove
The flood that drowned my breaking heart
Pushed it down and down, barely breathing
To this day, I still don’t know
Why my poor little heart kept beating

In the time that it’s been with me,
My fragile heart has seen it all
With teary eyes and memories
It watched get up only to fall
My heart has been abandoned
Broken and lied to and betrayed
But after all it’s been through
By safety pins and stitches, it was saved

The Safety pins brought the pieces together
While the glue resealed the cracks
Duct tape gave it back its shape
And stitches closed the gaps
But this marvelous surgery,
You knew all about that, too
Because there was glue and duct tape
And safety pins and stitches, there was you

By Sadie Tremblay

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