Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Shower

by  Kaity Casey
          “Kenzie, hurry up!” Missy banged impatiently on the bathroom door. “I still need to put on my makeup, and I'm supposed to leave in 10 minutes!”
            “Wow, Missy chill! I'm just peeing. I'll be out in a sec,” Kenzie shouted back as she thought of what she was about to do tonight. She was going to surprise Wyatt, and tell him that she wanted to get back together. She wasn't telling Missy because she wasn't in the mood to hear an entire lecture on why it was a bad idea. “Alright, I'm done!”
            “Finally!” Missy said under her breath as she pushed through the door.
            “Where are you off to in such a hurry anyways?” Kenzie questioned.
            “Oh just a job interview...” Missy quickly lied.
            “Oh really? Makeup for a job interview? Mhm.”
            “Yeah...It's a good job, and I want to make a good first impression. Now leave, I have to focus!” Missy shoved Kenzie out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut in her face. 
            “What are your plans tonight Kenzie?” She asked grabbing her purse.
            “Oh I got a crapload of homework. It's gonna take all night.”
            “Oh that sucks. Well, I'm out.”
            “Okay Hun! Well have fun at your interview,” Kenzie winked at her.
            Missy and Kenzie are roommates at NYU. They are both college freshman, and have been best friends since eighth grade. They spent basically every second together, and shared everything. Well, mostly everything.
            I wonder who she has a date with tonight? And why the hell did she lie about it? Kenzie wondered as she rushed into the bathroom when Missy finally left. She quickly put on her makeup, and threw on the dress she'd just bought at Nordstrom's. It showed off all her curves, and made her look amazing. Now she was ready to see Wyatt.
            Wyatt was Kenzie's ex-boyfriend, and they had dated for three years. They'd only broken up because she went off to college, and he was taking a “break” from school. He had a job at a gas station. He had even moved out of his parents house at the beginning of last summer, right before they broke up.
            Missy was the main reason for the split. From the beginning she'd told Kenzie he wasn't right for her, and that he was going no where in life. Kenzie knew that Missy was right but she just couldn't help herself; she was in love. Missy only got Kenzie to change her mind by assuring her that she'd meet someone better in college.
            “You don't want to spend your life living in an apartment married to a gas station owner, do you? Come on Kenzie, just give it a chance. You'll meet someone  better. Who knows? Maybe even a doctor.” That was the argument that won Kenzie over. It was always her dream to marry a doctor, but they'd been in college for six months and Kenzie hadn't dated a single guy. It was time, she decided, to get Wyatt back.
            Kenzie arrived at the Fairview Apartment Complex at around ten o'clock. She'd been texting him earlier, and he said he was staying home tonight. She parked her car, then checked herself in the mirror. She crept up to his apartment and unlocked the door. She looked in the living room but couldn't didn't find him. Then she noticed his bedroom lights were on. So she prepped herself one more time, and then flung open the door. Before she could even say a word she saw him on top of some blonde bimbo. Kenzie was struck like a deer in the head lights.
            “Kenzie, what are you doing here?” Wyatt asked. Kenzie noticed a familiar face next to his. Kenzie's jaw slowly dropped open as she ran out the door crying. It was Missy.
            “Kenzie...I'm so sorry...” Missy called after her.
            My own best friend! My own best friend! The girl who said he was a horrible investment. Kenzie was beside herself. She jumped into her car. Before she closed the door, she whipped Wyatt's keys at his car, shattering his window. Then she slammed the door, and sped off. 
            On a cold November night, twelve years later, Kenzie was in the grocery store buying some last minute things for her party. She pushed her carriage down the frozen food aisle.
            “Oh my gosh! Kenzie is that you?” Kenzie stared blankly at this person in front of her. She had no idea who it was.
            “Kenzie, it's me! Missy!”
            Twelve years had gone by since that terrible night at Wyatt's, and the girls hadn't spoken since then. Kenzie had transferred to UConn, and met a guy there. He wasn't just any guy; he was studying to be doctor. Missy had been right. Kenzie and the doctor got married just after he finished medical school. They'd even moved back to her hometown and had a baby on the way.
            “Oh. Hey Missy. How are you?” She said cold-heartedly.
            “Wow a decade later and your still mad. You haven't changed a bit...But hey listen, I... uh...never got to apologize,” Missy said.
            “Whatever, I don't care.” Kenzie snapped back.
            “But I do. I haven't slept soundly for twelve years because it's been eating me up inside. I know you don't want to know everything, and to tell you the truth I don't even know how it all happened. I thought I was in love with him. I even dropped out of college to live with him, but he got me pregnant and left me when he found out. So I was forced to move back with my parents. I didn't even have the option of going back to college because I had a baby. Oh Kenzie! I'm so sorry! I should have never done that. Friends should always come before guys,” Missy said wiping the tears from her face.
            “Oh Missy! You hurt me really bad, but I think that is way too much of a punishment. I forgive you!” Kenzie pulled Missy in for a hug. It was then that Missy realized Kenzie was pregnant. Then she saw the wedding ring.
            “Oh my God! Congratulations!” gasped Missy.
            “Thanks ,and by the way, you were right.” Kenzie laughed.
            “About what?” Missy asked.
            “He's a doctor.” Kenzie pointed at her wedding ring. The two girls started to laugh really hard. “Oh and before I forget! Here you go.”  Kenzie handed Missy a card. Missy took it, and open it up. It read :  “MISSY ROSENBURG! YOU'VE BEEN INVITED TO MCKENZIE'S BABY SHOWER!”
            “I've been hoping this day would come. I take this invitation everywhere I go. My childhood best friend can't miss my Baby Shower.” Kenzie said as she pulled Missy in for another hug.

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